In a recent report from, (National Golf Foundation) on private country clubs in the U.S. they found a drop in the number of private courses over the past 5 years. Unfortunately, rather than closing their doors, the majority of these private clubs simply convert over to becoming public facilities and never tell their members they have converted. […]
5 Ways for Golfers to Deal With the Slow Pace of Play
Since the PGA and USGA seem to only be focusing on the rules of play more than the pace of play of golf it will not be long before the weekend warriors of golf will be regularly dealing with the growing slowness of the game of golf. It would be an accurate assumption that slow […]
Pace of Play: Golf Course vs Golfer
Sometimes when golfers are challenged with playing on a overcrowded golf course the rounds becomes.. who will win the battle of the nerves? The golfer or the golf course management? Pace of Play is an Issue It is getting that time of year when the winds get chilly and the days get shorter. For golfers, […]
Should Golf Skills Testing Could Improve Pace of Play
Not too many years ago there was talk about requiring golfers to take a skills evaluation so their play on the golf course could be managed. This was just one of the many good ideas developed to solve the Pace of Play issue that still is occurring at golf courses around the world. In reality, […]
Cart Path Only = Slow Play (Part Five-Final)
(Back in 2008 I posting a version of this five part series on Slow Play…Interesting how nothing much has changed to improve it. I have updated it and hope you find it as informational now as it was three years ago.) PART FIVE: This part is a continuation of the solutions I offered to solve […]