As a sport Golf rules supreme in the business world. As a game Golf is a rock star to the business world. How Golf translates to the millions of potential business and recreation golfers who are online on how great and beneficial the sport and the game of Golf really is …really sucks. Why? I […]
The Future of Golf Is With Business Golf
The Golf economy sits squarely on the Business Golfer shoulders. Golf Economy Structure The spectrum of the golf economy spans from one side being the everyday recreational golfer, who plays once or twice a year and spends just a couple hundred dollars a year on Golf, to the PGA/LPGA Tour Events, where the elite of […]
My Last Call on Tiger Woods Story
Like many of you who are reading this blog, I am a small business owner. Since my business circles the golf industry on almost every front I have to be very concerned with golf’s future. My business is to help those lost soles in the golf industry who are not familiar with doing business on […]
The Future of Golf Is Based on You Playing More Golf
If you are part of the thousands of golfers like me who travel around the country playing golf, either recreational or hopefully for business purposes, then you are seeing what I am seeing..a change in Golf. Some of what I see is concerning and some could have reasoning based on the fact that golf is […]
The Impact Golf has on the Economy
In this recent article from the LA Times, Golf courses suffer as recession deals a bogey …it reports on how golf courses are struggling and some folding up in one of the biggest golf communities in the country, the Palm Springs, CA. area. This struggle for profitability amongst golf courses, public and private, is not […]