If your play Golf then it is not new for you to hear how many Rock musicians play golf. What maybe new is to know how many Pro Golfers listen to Rock music. The most surprising News to many is learning how many business golfers are rabid Rock music fans. But then that was not […]
The Future of Golf Is With Business Golf
The Golf economy sits squarely on the Business Golfer shoulders. Golf Economy Structure The spectrum of the golf economy spans from one side being the everyday recreational golfer, who plays once or twice a year and spends just a couple hundred dollars a year on Golf, to the PGA/LPGA Tour Events, where the elite of […]
Who is a Business Golfer?
You would think that it would be obvious the answer to this question. However, when I step back and look at golf and business, I can see that their may be some question on who exactly is a business golfer. If you look at golf from the top then you would say that Tiger Woods […]
Why Non-Golfers Do Not Like Golf?
Since venturing into the Beyond of the Internet I have started going to offline gatherings of people who are into the internet, online social networking and such as much as I am into golf and the business golf applications. What I am finding from from discussing what I do with these people is strange to me….