In this recent article from the LA Times, Golf courses suffer as recession deals a bogey …it reports on how golf courses are struggling and some folding up in one of the biggest golf communities in the country, the Palm Springs, CA. area. This struggle for profitability amongst golf courses, public and private, is not […]
Businesses Need Retraining to Deal with New Economy
I walked into a business networking gathering recently where there was a storm of concerns brewing amongst many attending who now realize the new economy will require them to be retrained on how to do business. I was not really surprised since many businesses are finding the old “Throw an Ad in the Yellow Pages […]
What makes Golf and Business such a good partnership?
Guest Blog from Dave Bisbee, In today’s world of sound bite email/blackberry/txt speak communication building solid business relationships runs the risk of being reduced to something akin to speed dating. Actually it is something less since with speed dating there is actually some face time where you can observe expressions, body language, etc. Now granted […]
Social Media: Misunderstood in Golf Industry
With the arrival of more and more golf businesses to the internet comes the need for them to understand how to communicate with their markets out here in La-La-Land. Social Media is a new to these business people and many try to form Social Media into the OLD box of traditional “Who Can Yell The […]
Shoring Up Your Business with Golf
As is the case with most social functions I attend, the conversation about a business’ environment and economy generally takes center stage. Last evening’s dinner discussion at the club was no exception. For me these gatherings are times for me to listen to what others are saying. Having lived and survived more difficult business issues […]