I have seen some strange stuff being endorsed by either a PGA or LPGA touring professional.
Use to be that them endorsing beer and wine was thought of a risky.
Now they all seem to have some sort of beverage they hock for someone.
Plus there are some weird deals. We always thought John Daly’s endorsement of Loudmouth apparel was strange.
How Golf Has Changed
Now the question is, has the pro golfers product endorsements changed golf?
I would say yes.
Today’s golfer is less interested in golf and more interested in how cool they can look playing golf. I don’t mean them wearing the clothes the pros wear but hitting 400-yard drives.
Of course, hitting the golf ball a mile has always been golfers’ primary goal. But now, that seems to be the only thing a large majority of amateur golfers strive.
Just ask my neighbor who lives across the street from me who go his back windshield broken when a golf ball hit it from a shot made from the tee box on the fairway behind my house….375 yards away. The guy who hit it said he was trying mimick Bubba Watson and draw the around the corner to hit the green that was 400 yards away…but instead sliced it over my house to my neighbors across the street. This has not just happened once…in 10 years I have had dozens of balls hit over my house breaking windows in houses across the street.
Everyone I know who just wants to hit the ball a mile could care less on hitting a wedge into the green for a birdie…just want the LONG BALL.
Why? Most will say that seeing the pros hitting a golf ball far as being their only inspiration to playing golf. Next they will say the club the pro hit it with is going to be next thing they buy.
But now that most pros are not endorsing drivers..but instead stockbrokers…what is going to get golfers to play golf?
What does this tell you?
The interest of the people who now watch golf today not wanting to learn to play golf but to learn just to hit the ball a mile. So knowing what else goes on while playing golf is not of interest to most viewers of the golf on TV.
A large number of the people that watch Golf on TV have no complete understanding of the game. However, they do watch TV commercials shown on the Golf Channels. Most are for a product one of the touring pros endorses. And as I mentioned…most of the sponsored commercials have nothing to do with Golf.
So, are the products being endorsed by the pro golfers today helping Golf? If selling the services of a financial advisor is helping golf then Yes, the products pro golfers are selling something…but not GOLF.
Hopefully, something will change and get people to get back out to golf courses to learn how to play all parts of the golf game..and they do this quickly before Golf goes away.
Then let me know how I can help.