As many of you are aware I am bringing back my other self, Mr Business Golf.
Why? There were two reasons why I decided it was time to get back to doing what I set out to do eight years ago.
The first reason has to do with recently being asked by a number of people and groups, Google being one, to offer my thoughts on Golf and the state the golf business.
The second reason deals with me also seeing a need to offer my experience to the golf industry in helping them understand how to use social media effectively.
Different Approach Needed
Golf is a different industry than others with a different set of problems which makes the approach Golf needs to take to effectively use the internet different.
It’s all about the change Golf needs to make to getting back to Golf being Social.
How I am going about doing this this time is a little different than before. This time I am using Google+ and the power of the HangOut to offer up answers to people’s questions and interview people in the golf world. These will be live video chats that anyone can watch. The recorded videos will be on YouTube under the Business Golf Playlist for Mr Business Golf Show.
It’s going to be’s going to be informative and it is going to be Social!!!
Hope to see YOU on Google+.