I recently was invited to speak to the Golf Association of Philadelphia President’s Council Annual meeting on the subject of Social Media and how Private Clubs should approach using it. It is exciting to first be asked by such a distinguished group of golf professionals and club managers and I found putting this presentation together a very rewarding experience.
For many of you who have been following me over the years know I have have a lot to say about how the private golf clubs and country club are dealing with the economy. At the same time I have been studying how private clubs are using social media. I think it is safe to say many clubs have a long way to go to understanding how social media works today.
From time to time I would review my findings with my business partner, Dave Bisbee who has actually sat in the general manager’s chair for private clubs and has seen the challenges first hand the private clubs face. It is refreshing to get his point of view and to confirm what I am seeing are real issues private clubs have to address if they are to survive.
I am excited to present these finding to the Golf Association of Philadelphia on March 28, 2012. I’ll post an update once I get back from this presentation.