Being out in the business world and golf world most of the day I see a lot of people making simply mistakes in both. Most are not aware they are making a mistake and will continue to make the mistakes until enough time passes they see the results of the mistakes they are making. In looking into why they are making the mistakes I find it is the way they learned or lacking of teaching as why they make the mistakes.
I won’t get into the specifics of the mistakes people are making. It is suffice enough to say they are making enough mistakes to bring this matter to your attention in case you are one of the mistake makers who are are looking for a way around making so many mistakes.
What I have found from asking people immediately after they make a mistake if they knew they were making a mistake. I was surprised that many were not aware that what they were doing was a mistake or would later lead to significant problems. I am still talking about both business and golf.
How do you learn something?
What mistake making boils down to is lack of experience. I am sure people are not taught to make a mistake…but maybe they are. Those who are self taught generally make a lot of mistakes since it is the nature of trying something to see if it works that is part of the process.
Others are taught a few things that should keep them from making a mistake but still make the mistake just to see if what they were told causes the mistake they were told it would make. Others heed to the teachings and avoid the mistakes.
Naturally, everyone is going to make a mistake. It is unavoidable if you are going to be in business or play golf. It is also safe to say people either learn from their mistakes or they are taught what to do so the mistake is not made. Which way do you learn?
Me!? I have learned both ways and found that I do better in business and golf it I am taught what to avoid so I don’t make mistakes. In business I see a lot of business people not really interested in being taught and in most cases I totally understand since most of the people I see who claim to be business teachers, counselors or coaches really have not got the experience or logical thinking it takes to teach someone things in business or golf to avoid. In most cases it boils down to not wanting to pay the price of being taught which leads to indicating how serious they are about their business or golf game. In any case, I understand and took many of the paths most business people and golfers take in learning both.
Alternative to Making Mistakes
I now have made so many mistakes in my business and golf life that I rely on my experience to not make them again. I see many of the young business people making the same mistakes I made when I was at their level of experience. Same goes for golfers who I see making strategy mistakes. I look back on those days and find myself wishing there were someone I could have gone to that would have lead me around those potholes in the information highway.
Fortunately, for the business people (young and old) of today, I am available to pass on my experience to those who are tired of making mistakes. I am not sure I can fix the golf problems, but know many who can. I know I can show you around a few potholes in the road to success in business because I have hit most of them. So, how do you want to learn, from making mistakes or from being taught to avoid them? Let me know how I can help.