It is one thing to be positive and have a smiley face on all the time out here in La-La-Land, but it is a total other thing to feel you should avoid something controversial, that affects you professionally or socially, just to stay positive.
I am seeing a lot of this online and from the reviews I have made with my clients and business associates the smiley face blogs and people who are tweeting positive stuff all the time are being avoided by a large portion of the consumer world due to their appearance of being mentally imbalanced, or foolish.
Yaw, I know, if you are one of those smiley face people you are about to click off the site, if you have not already, since you only want to stay positive. That is OK, because if you are really interested in how you are looking online you may want to take a note or two.
I am online professionally on average 6 hours a day so I get to see a lot of Tweets, Facebook post , LinkedIn spam and read a lot of blogs. I am out here like most people should be, to learn. Oh, I know that the vast majority of people out here are here looking for entertainment. Nothing wrong with is normal. I also like entertainment. However, I am mostly wanting to learn more about how the internet works so I can help my clients.
What I am running into are the gals, and guys, who just really are not looking too Real to me and most of the world. Additionally, I surprised with the large number of my offline associates’ reactions when I draw attention to these people online. The comments I am getting when I flash one of these smiley face people’s blogs or Tweets up is..
…those are the people I run into offline who do not deal with ‘negative’ well and will avoid it at all cost. I just don’t feel these type of people can handle the business I need their help with. I like someone who can square off and be just as negative with something as they can be positive.
I have seen thousands of these type of personalities over the 32 years I have been dealing with them and over 80% of them usually will burnout or ,worse, literally breakdown. This is what most of my associates have also dealt with and is why most of them turn away at the introduction to these people since they are not wanting to deal with a one-sided personality disorder. They know that eventually someone who is all bubbly and is only focused on being positive in tone every breathing moment of the day will fall down on their professionalism and not fulfill their commitment. On the other hand, it is not good to be negative all of the time and that personality is the mirrored opposite of the positive only disorder.
In the world of Social Media, where most of these smiley face people are marketing themselves, the posting of Tweets instructing people to staying positive all the time is the biggest give away of someone who probably avoids issues or conversations that would shed a negative light on them.
Appearing to be Positive Only is one of the biggest mistakes made by many business people using Twitter and Facebook. This probably works well in an offline social environment of people who are supporters of the Positive Only Person. Fortunately, in reality, in the business world a business person has to be able to address negatives as equally as showing off positive virtues of doing business.
I hear the rebuttals from some of the bolder of the Positive Only individuals who claim they do more business than business people who are more balanced in their approach to positive and negative. Usually, that is when I drop my positive approach to dealing with them since their is no way to prove it..nor do I want to have to go into having to prove it. The real issue they evidently enjoy avoiding is not how much business they are doing but how much business they are losing with staying positive and how foolish they are making themselves look to the Real business world.
What makes it worse is when these people attack someone for drawing them out for not dealing with reality. Yes, I can be a target for that since I don’t step aside from issues reflecting badly on the industries I service professionally. When the Smiley Faces make the Social Media world or the Golf Industry look bad, or foolish with their constant attempt to paint a rosy picture of something that is not rosy I have to take acceptation to my being positive to direct some negativity their way. I do this in hopes it snaps them out of it or to expose them for who they really are.
My motto is and will always will be…
You just can’t keep putting lipstick on pig.
Let me know how I can help.