As the summer golf turns to winter golf many golfers put their sticks up until warmer weather comes again. However, do they really have to dump their golf for the weather? If they are business golfers they should keep the clubs near by.
Here are 3 things golfers should do when the weather in their area keeps them off their home course.
1. Out of Town Business Conferences
A business person should NEVER..did you hear me…NEVER stop learning how to improve their business. Just because you spent a dozen years getting your MBA and yada yada …never stop the search for information that will keep you and your business up to date on not just technology but techniques to improve the way business is done.
Most of the time there is a conference that is held that covers a subject you NEED to know about and that conference is out of town. Since most conferences planners don’t add golf to their agenda there is no reason why you could not make this learning opportunity have a round of golf or two associated with the trip.
Why not ask a client to meet you the day before or after the conference. OR, be aggressive and have one meet you the day before and another the day after. This keeps the golf in the business reason column of your accountant’s ledger and pushes a lot of the expenses incurred to being business related…especially if you know how to play business golf.
2. Golf Schools
Yes, the out of town golf clinic and golf schools make a perfect winter time get away. For the Business Golfers, here again, is an excellent opportunity to take the staff or a group of VIP customers to a three or four day long golf school. Those staff members and clients who do not know how to play golf get their winter camp training so when the golf season starts up in the spring they are ready to play business golf.
Of course, to make the affair a business opportunity it takes some planning and coordinating, but if you know how to play Business Golf you know how to do this.
3. Golf Vacations
Naturally, the family also needs to get out of the cold weather. Taking a golf vacation doesn’t have to be a week long ordeal. A three day weekend, or just a weekend outing does a lot to keeping the mind fresh for dealing with the winter time Blah.
Again, with a little planning the golf vacation can become a great opportunity to plan a meeting with a client or attend the many seminars that are being held on the weekends. Just make sure the plan includes arranging for something the family can do while you are in the meeting or conference. Have the golf as part of the conference or meeting for that day you are tied up.
There are a number of things a golfer can do to keep their golf game in shape during the bitter winter months. No matter what level of business you are in, take advantage of what golf can offer to secure a more sound business relationship with clients, employees and vendors. Learn how to play business golf and it will expand your opportunity to do what you enjoy doing most which is playing golf.
Let me know how I can help.
Innovative Business Golf Solutions offers business golf conferences, golf schools and outings that combine golf with business. For more information contact us through our website or by sending us an email to info @ innovativebusinessgolf (dot) com. With subject line : Business Golf Services.
ALSO, make sure to join the Business Golf Country Club to meet other business golfers and receive information on all that is going on in the world of Business Golf.
The off season is also a great time to work on your inside (mental) game of golf. Start playing the game in your minds eye, see yourself arrive at the golf club car park in a relaxed state, go to the practice fairway and limber up. In your minds eye step up to the 1st tee, go through your pre shot process, visualize the golf ball flying to your pictured destination. Start walking and arrive for your second shot to the green, again go through your per shot routine, visualize the golf ball flying to the middle of the green. Start walking and arrive at the green, visualize pulling your putter out of the bag going over to the golf ball and playing a nice putt.
Start the process by playing 3 holes using this inside method and as you get better at creating the pictures move it out to 9 holes and then 18. It is a great thing to do while sitting on a plane, I have used this method to stay still while I under went a MRI scan for a carotid issue.
Another great off season discipline is to learn a relaxation/focusing technique, so next season's golf is more fun.
The off season is also a great time to work on your inside (mental) game of golf. Start playing the game in your minds eye, see yourself arrive at the golf club car park in a relaxed state, go to the practice fairway and limber up. In your minds eye step up to the 1st tee, go through your pre shot process, visualize the golf ball flying to your pictured destination. Start walking and arrive for your second shot to the green, again go through your per shot routine, visualize the golf ball flying to the middle of the green. Start walking and arrive at the green, visualize pulling your putter out of the bag going over to the golf ball and playing a nice putt.
Start the process by playing 3 holes using this inside method and as you get better at creating the pictures move it out to 9 holes and then 18. It is a great thing to do while sitting on a plane, I have used this method to stay still while I under went a MRI scan for a carotid issue.
Another great off season discipline is to learn a relaxation/focusing technique, so next season’s golf is more fun.
The off season is also a great time to work on your inside (mental) game of golf. Start playing the game in your minds eye, see yourself arrive at the golf club car park in a relaxed state, go to the practice fairway and limber up. In your minds eye step up to the 1st tee, go through your pre shot process, visualize the golf ball flying to your pictured destination. Start walking and arrive for your second shot to the green, again go through your per shot routine, visualize the golf ball flying to the middle of the green. Start walking and arrive at the green, visualize pulling your putter out of the bag going over to the golf ball and playing a nice putt.
Start the process by playing 3 holes using this inside method and as you get better at creating the pictures move it out to 9 holes and then 18. It is a great thing to do while sitting on a plane, I have used this method to stay still while I under went a MRI scan for a carotid issue.
Another great off season discipline is to learn a relaxation/focusing technique, so next season's golf is more fun.