I have never understood why someone would say they hate golf. Yet, I am seeing and hearing people everywhere saying they hate golf.
But Why? The reasons I hear most is “Golf and the people who play golf are stupid” and “It is a pointless activity”. When I find out why they feel that way I find that over 90% of them who say or feel this way about golf never have even tried to play golf. Those who say they tried did so by going to a driving range and attempting to hit balls. Yaw, golf at a driving range really shows you a lot about golf..not!
But you have heard me talk about this travesty before and how misguiding people who hate golf tend to rally support which leads to a perpetuation of the problem.
What I have not talk enough about is what opportunities for advancement in business and life these people are throwing away. It has been said before that golf is the way to the board rooms of the Corporate world. However, golf is much more than that and opens up more opportunities that just schmoozing with people.
Golf played recreational is a very healthy exercise…even if you ride in a golf cart, a person burns more calories than sitting here reading blogs and chatting on Twitter. Having a healthy life style shows up in a person performance at work. Those who perform well in the workplace become leaders and you can see where that goes.
Golf played regularly with a group is when it starts moving into the Business Golf arena, but that does not mean that playing golf in business is when it becomes an opportunity to capture people on the golf course to be pitched something.
What golf does for business is over the course of a round of golf a business person can size up the individual as a person. Golf opens up a person’s true inter-self and can develop a person to being a better person once golf becomes part of their life. It is this part of golf I am finding that turns most people off about golf.
The honesty and integrity part of golf is what some people have issues with. Could being honest and having integrity be the issue many people have about golf that keeps a lot of people away. Need I ask why? I think it is self evident that a lot of people do not want their true selves being reveled. That would make their hatred towards golf to then become reveling wouldn’t it?
Golf is very misunderstood. Why? What I have found as the basis of the problem that starts the misunderstanding is golf is not universally introduced into a person’s life until later in their life. Today team sports or activities are introduced lavishly to school kids. It is there in the school yards around the world where golf gets scorned and the misunderstanding of golf is held for life.
So since golf is misunderstood it only makes sense that Business Golf would be a total mystery to most. But it does not have to be that way. Business Golf in today’s economy is growing and once the concept is understood then the need to understand golf becomes clear.
What set’s business golf apart is its ability to discover and develop trust. What is taking place now in today’s economy is there is a huge need to find trustworthiness. The consumers are trying to find trustworthy businesses and business are trying to find trustworthy people and customers. What is the best tool in business to use to find out trustworthiness? Golf. And to be more specific..Business Golf.
Clear up the misunderstanding of golf by learning to play golf. Once you find out how golf is played then it becomes easy to understand the principles of playing business golf. Stop the misunderstandings..learn to play golf.
If you are interested in improving your golf game while improving your business you should attend the ClamBake Cafe ‘Stairway to Golf Heaven’ Golf School on Jun 4th – 6st or Jun 11th – 13th in Sedona, AZ. It is the only place where you can go to learn new business methods and new golf skills in the same place. For more information, or to receive register, for the ClamBake Cafe go to www.ClamBakeCafe.com and click on the ‘Stairway to Golf Heaven’ tab at the top of he page.