From time to time I find a product or service that I find tremendously interesting. Sometimes this service or product offers a unique solution to the many problems facing golf. The following is one of those services and products. I do not endorse nor am I getting paid to post the following least not at this time. I hope you enjoy my discovery. Mr Business Golf
Have you ever walked off the green of a very difficult golf hole and said “Is Fred Couples playing here today because that pin placement is one only he could get to?!?!” Did you know there is a science to where the pin is placed on a golf green? Plus, did you know there is now a software program created to improve managing pin placement? Yes, there are a lot of questions golfers ask about things related to golf that makes playing golf very interesting. Pin placement is something most golfers take for granted, but there is a reason that flag is placed where it is..but did you know that sometimes there are better places to place the pin?
Eventually every golfer is going to experience a variety of different golf courses. Where the hole is placed on the putting green can make the course a ‘Bear’ or a pleasant experience. Where a pin is placed on the green could also cost you a golf stroke or two which would not make your golf experience very pleasant.
Pin placements are also an issue to the golf course superintendents as well. Managing where the hole is to be placed on each green of a golf course can be very daunting and in cases where the greens are shaped uniquely it makes rotating pin placements so the green gets even wear a very difficult job.
For the tournament directors and the golf professionals pin placement can cause or solve other problems. Depending on the golf skill level of the members of a golf club, pin placements can cause either slow play or boredom. Setting up a golf course for a tournament or competition can be nerve racking if where the pins can be placed are limited.
There is a lot that goes into managing a golf course and pin placement is moving to the top of the list of issues golf courses have to deal with everyday. Maintaining a golf green is the most costly part of all of the course operations. The wear and tear of players walking on the grass can cause the greenkeepers huge headaches and result in very expensive repairs. Those costs for repairs eventually get passed on to the members of a club or to be added onto the green fees. Cost increases are not appealing to anyone.
The average golfers usually is never concerned with where the hole is on the green. They usually play to their strengths and approach the green as a whole instead of breaking it down to sections. The beginner golfer sometimes will fret with where the pin is since sometimes it is placed in a location where they are not able to approach. The advance golfer usually is not concerned with the placement unless there is no variety to the placements between being easy or hard through the 18 holes. However, every golfer of any level of skill will eventually get bored at playing to the same place on the green.
For golf courses with just one golf course making the course exciting for all to play and different each time a golfer plays the course is very hard to do. Hours are spent by golf course management and personnel dealing with this one issue..Pin Placement.
There is a science around the placement of pins on golf greens. Many types of tools and processes are used today to make a decision on where the hole can be punched and then making sure there is a rotation of the hole locations around the green so even play and wear to the grass is maintained. Most of the systems developed over the years depend on some sort of manual processing which is labor intense and very limiting.
Now, there is a system available to make pin placement an easier task for all. ezLocator offers an innovative software program for golf facilities to use to automatically provide the course management a daily pin sheet with just a click of mouse.
ezLocator is powered by data that is gathered by their partner, Playbooks of Golf. They visit the golf club and find all possible hole locations on every green. From there they map with GPS technology to include the correct pacing measurements required to place the hole in the correct area. The data is then uploaded to the ezLocator software and the pin placement system is ready to go.
What is produced from the software is a pin sheet that shows EXACTLY where the pin is located on the green. No more of this Blue – White – Green..Back – Middle – Front..or some obscure numbering system that has to be coordinated to some section of a green painted on a sheet of paper.
85% of golfers are visual and providing them with visual tools and information allows them to play a better game of golf. Things look different from the middle of the fairway or when standing on the tee. The waving flag of the pin that is 200 yards away does not tell the golfer what to expect at the green. These are all the challenges that make Golf the best game or sport EVER. Where the pin is placed can make the game fun for all levels. Pin placement will also test the golf skills of all players and it helps maintain the condition of the course. Making the process of where to place the pin easier reduces costs, stress and time so course management can spend more time doing what they should be doing..making sure the golfers have a good time at their facility.
If you are a General Manager, Golf Professional or Course Superintendent, you should check out what ezLocator can offer your facility. I am sure there is a problem ezLocator can solve for you.